What are the rules and regulations for scrapping metal?
Scrapping metal can be a lucrative undertaking but it’s important to be aware of the rules and regulations that govern this profession. Selling scrap metal without following these laws can result in hefty fines, so it’s important to understand the rules and regulations before engaging in such activities. We will discuss some of the most important rules and regulations to follow when scrapping metal, so you know how to stay compliant.
It is illegal to collect scrap metal without a licence
It’s okay to sell scrap metal from your own home without a licence, but it is illegal to collect scrap metal from other individuals or businesses. This means that people should not search for scrap metal in public places, such as streets, parks, recreation areas, or construction sites. Nor should they solicit or accept scrap metal that has been left on the side of the road. A licence is needed in order to buy or collect any scrap metal to sell – whether you’re doing so as an individual or a business.
Do not sell metal to anyone that does not show a licence
If you are selling scrap metal, it is important to always make sure that the buyer has a licence for scrap metal collection. The first thing that you should do when selling scrap metal is to ensure that the buyer is a licensed collector. They should also show you their licence upon collection, which will typically include information about their business name, address and contact information. If they cannot provide this information, you should not sell them as they may be operating illegally.
Do not pay with or accept cash for scrap metal
Even licence holders cannot offer cash for scrap metal, as part of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013. This law prohibits anyone from offering or receiving cash payments when dealing with scrap metal. Cash payments can easily be used to facilitate various illegal activities, such as tax evasion, money laundering and receiving stolen goods. This is why it’s important to only accept payment via bank transfer or other legal electronic methods when selling scrap metal. This type of payment leaves a trail which can help authorities quickly identify any illegal activities.
Use your local professional scrap metal collection service
All in all, it’s important to always operate within the legal boundaries when collecting and selling scrap metal. If you need help with scrapping your excess metal, it’s best to use an authorised local professional scrap metal collection service. At Jarvis Metal, our scrap metal services are fully licensed and regulated and we ensure that all laws are followed during the collection process. We will also provide you with the best price for your scrap metal, meaning that you will always get great value for your metals whilst staying on the right side of the law. Contact us today to find out more about our services and get started on your scrapping journey.